Happy New Year from Splinter Creek! It feels right at the dawn of 2023 to reflect on the growth and change that has occurred in the past twelve months.
At Splinter Creek, this reflection is especially exciting. Our property looks vastly different than it did at the beginning of 2022, and we are moving into 2023 with momentum and anticipation.
With 20 of our lots now sold, five homes currently under construction, and several more houses in the design phase, we are seeing nothing but progress in our expanding community.
The past year also saw the near-completion of our South Lake expansion project, increasing the size of that lake by 5 acres, from 25 to 30 acres large. The expanded lake footprint creates more shoreline for additional homesites and offers more space for water activities, such as canoeing, paddle boarding, swimming, boating, and fishing.
In addition to new lot owners, homes, and a larger lake, Splinter Creek this year added a large new community space named Falling Meadow. Tucked away in a quiet meadow off the main road, Falling Meadow boasts plenty of open space for picnicking, lots of Adirondack chairs for watching wildlife or reading, and is best spots on the property for stargazing.
All of this progress makes us excited for 2023 and eager for what 2024 and beyond has in store. From the Splinter Creek community and families to yours, we wish you a very healthy and happy new year!